During the game each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards depicting famous (and unfamous) raplyrics. These cards have a certain word ommited which can be filled in by the player during the game.
Players will, in turn, play a card from their hand and fill in the omission with a chosen word. The next player will play one of their cards and continue the rhyme by placing their card and either continueing with an existing verse or starting with a new verse.
Following players can then play their cards, and continue previous verses creating a rhyme. Continuing a verse will grant points to the player, the longer the rhyme the bigger the point total.
Amidst the cards are also filler cards (featuring words as “yeah” “uh” “uhuh” “mmh” “yaw” “yiiih” “ka-kaw”) players can use when they aren’t able to rhyme, allowing them a way out. These cards do not grant points.
There will be different verse card-types based on the different genres of rap (hip hop, rap, gangsta, etc) and will differ in difficulty.
The winner of the game is the player who has the most points at the end of the game.
— more information coming soon —