The Bibtrollies

De BIBTrollies

I was asked to create a set of trolls by PuPiL that would be used in a simple collectible cardgame with goal to incite children to read books.

I decided to create a more classic “ugly”, but still cute, troll remniscing my fondness of the Garbage Pail Kids trading cards I was fond of at around the age of 6 and still hold very dear to this day.

The Bibtrollie cards would be received upon getting a book from the local library and quickly grew into something quite popular and was generally lauded as a great succes, spinning off into several trade fairs, contests and 2 more seasons. The first season had a total of 29 cards.

Season 2

After the great success of the first season of the Bibtrollies, local libraries have extended the series for another year.

I’ve illustrated the second season of the Bibtrollies for a while, many of them being outtakes of the first batch, others being ideas from librarians in charge and children who drew their own Bibtrollie.

There were 51 new cards and a couple of reprints of the first season to meet demands. There was also be an exclusive card on the cover of the local magazine Penzine. A press-conference was held on the 2nd of October where the cards will be presented to the press.

Season 3

The third season of the Bibtrollies focused on the pets the Trollies have in their life. I took designs from the previous seasons and designed a fitting pet for the character.  Each pet took some characteristics of it’s owner creating a set of cards.

There were a total of 40 cards bringing the total of Trollies to a fair 120 in this, unfortunately, final season of the Bibtrollies.

The Cards

Some links

From the beginning the Bibtrollies got plenty of media-attention which contributed to it’s succes. Below are some, though not all, references I was able to find on the internet. Most news came from the region of the Pajottenland, unfortunately for me the planned nation-wide release never saw the light.

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